
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kimi the Kiwi Goes to Devon!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs Budd
    the programme you put on the blogspot was incredible. We miss you and can't wait to see you soon. We saw Kimi the Kiwi posting the card and it was very interesting when we read on the back. You are the best teacher in the world
    from Amelia

    Dear Mrs Budd

    I felt happy when you sent the postard. We liked the post card because it said Big Ben on the top. It looked cool. We liked the videos that you sent us. It is cool as well. We all miss you, Zara and Cody got their Pen Pal letters
    from Victoria

    Dear Mrs Budd

    I felt excited when Kimi the Kiwi posted the postcard. I liked the video that you filmed.

    from Finn

    Dear Mrs Budd

    We liked the postcard because it has Big Ben and the London Bus on it. I hope you have a great time

    from Katie.
