
Friday, March 25, 2011


Don't forget to log on and check your emails in our online learning environment, Fronter! 

Type http://fronter.com/brent/login into the address bar and put your user name and password into the correct box. I've sent you an email - check it in your messages. You can also check out the forums - the children from the UK have asked us questions which you can answer in the forums. Also check out Mr Anjari's class online, there's a video and a forum! Lots of things to do on this rainy weekend!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Room 6 Swimming!

Room 6 would like to invite their parents and families to watch them swimming at 12.15pm on Wednesday 30th March in our school swimming pool (weather permitting!). We would love to see you there!

Art Gallery Trip

We are visiting the Art Gallery on Tuesday 5th April, 1.00 – 2.15pm to view the Lynley Dodd exhibition.  We will be leaving at 12.30 and return to school at 2.45pm.  We will need parent helpers to assist with supervision so if you are happy to volunteer please fill out the form on the notice your child has given you or come and see me.  Children will need to return the permission form including the donation of 50c to me by Tuesday 29th March. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Painting Cups and Popcorn!

We have been getting ready for our School Gala, which is on the 31st March 2011 at 4pm. Room 6 is having a popcorn party! In class, we have been decorating paper cups. On the Gala day we are going to fill them with popcorn and sell them to people. We're hoping to raise a lot of money for the school! Look at the photos of us painting!

Concentrating hard!

Some of us put paint on our noses!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our Butterflies!!

Today both our butterflies hatched out of their chrysalises! We were very lucky and got to see one hatch. It was amazing! We were very excited when it happened. Mrs Budd filmed it happening! Check out our video and our photos. If you have trouble with the video, let it play through once and then watch it from the beginning.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Linking with the UK

On Monday, we had buddy class time with Room 16. 
We set up our link with the UK and logged onto the online learning environment. We had fun! 
We learned how to add friends and send 'stickies' (emails). It is a very safe website because you have to have a special username and password to use it. We also learned about keeping safe online. 
Check out our photos below!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pride Time!

This week we have been doing our Pride Time, collecting all the rubbish to keep our school tidy. We had a competition between the girls and the boys. It was very close but the girls won in the end! Check out our photos!

Funky Feet!

On Wednesday it was Funky Feet Day! Check out our Funky Feet!

Ruben the Bear!

Ruben the Bear came to visit us this week. He taught us how to cross the road safely. Check out our photos!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nature Week!

We have been learning about nature. We brought in our nature items for everyone to look at. Check out our pictures below!